Destination : Cannes to Paris!

Destination : Cannes to Paris!

Saturday (22nd September), brought the end to our French Riviera experience in Cannes - a very sad, pouty end to our Summer experience... *sighs* We headed back to Paris by TGV (Trains a Grande Vitesse). The bright side was that we got to enjoy the trip back along the coast between Cannes and Marseille and the proceeded to fly through the French country side until we reached Paris at Garè De Lyon around 3pm.

Steve and I had booked the same hotel we had at Garè De Nord at the start of our Paris experience, so we caught the Mètro from Garè De Lyon, back to Garè De Nord. On arrival, Steve and I kicked off our shoes and jumped into bed for an afternoon nap. Well I did anyway, Steve booted up the lap top to check email because we didn't have wireless internet at the hotel in Cannes! LOL... He just can't help himself sometimes.... ;o)

A bit later on, feeling refreshed from our 5 hours trek across the French country side, we decided to head down to the Avenue De sChamps Elysèe. We figured on our last night in Paris a lovely dinner was in order followed by some wine and a nice romantic walk past the Arch De Triomphe and to the Eiffel Tower as we did on Steve's birthday. Just as I expected, they were still there and hadn't changed since we last saw them approximately 6 days ago! LOL We walked down to the Trocadèro and admired the Great Eiffel Tower in the same way as we had on Steve's birthday for a while and then headed down towards the Garden and Champs De Mar...... and made our way back to our hotel room on foot. We were actually blessed with some nice weather in Paris that evening. It wasn't particularly cold and I thought that we should take in as much of our last night in Paris as we could...

On that note, Steve and I headed back to our hotel room at Garè De Nord for our final night's sleep in France. The next day, we bid Au Revoir to Paris and hopped onto the Euro Star early in the morning around 9am and found ourselves back in London by lunchtime the following day (the 23rd September) .... Just like in the movies... YOU NEVER FORGET PARIS! *sighs*...

We have to admit that the whole trip to France really gave Steve and I the itch to travel... and we can't wait to get onto our European Tour next year in April! Stay Tuned.. for more riveting adventures!

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