Köln : Laundromat & Internet Day!
Köln : Laundromat & Internet Day!
Greetings! Alright, so Tuesday (22nd April) I think we both made a mental decision to have a bit of a lazy day and abuse the privilege of the free internet in our hotel (which was on selectively during working hours) and catch up on some correspondence and draw some maps for our next four German cities after learning our lesson heavily with Köln! Not making THAT mistake again... Great thing about google maps, they really are so very helpful. They even provide you with information on S-bahn/U-bahn station locations and any trams/buses. Really COOL! So we spent the morning looking up Frankfurt, Münster and Düsseldorf and the location of our hotels and drawing primitive maps! ;o)
We had also had breakfast included in our nightly rate, so we had to be up at a decent hour anyway to make it in time for our breakfast otherwise we would have gone hungry! The day before we had also found a supermarket and supplied ourselves with some basic foods - bread, milk, bananas, yoghurt etc and made ourselves a simple lunch while interneting. Good old Peanut butter sandwiches (with peanut butter that had travelled with us from Grenoble) and a banana. On our exploration of the local area the previous day we had also located a laundromat (after asking a nice local) and had decided we needed to do some washing. So by mid-afternoon we figured we should get the washing out of the way and headed to the Wasch Salon.
All in all our laundromat experience in Koln was a success! Nothing short of the angst we had experienced while in Paris with the stupid broken machine. Probably because of German precision! Thoroughly hungry on the way back, we passed a bakery and brought ourselves some fresh bread rolls Brötchen) and by chance passed a butcher as well. Steve's eyes lit up with such enthusiasm.. I am sure he thought to himself "Hmmm Wurst!" Immediately I was dragged into the butcher..... *chuckles* By the time we had completed our visit to the butcher, Steve triumphantly came out with two Weisswursts and some other unknown variety of wurst... But he was happy! We had brought some salad items the previous day and some beer so our meal was perfect. When we got back to our hotel room with kitchenette, I immediately set to cooking Steve's wurst *snickers* and Steve obediently prepared the salad and popped open a beer for himself.
I must admit, it was a good meal. Brotchen, Wurst, Beer (and Apfelshorle for me), thoroughly happy the both of us laid down on our bed (with our appalling German Feather Pillows) and rubbed our tums with delight. We switched on our German television the first time since we arrived in the country the previous day. * Flick* - German Channel, *Flick* - German Channel, *Flick* - German Channel with Hollywood Movie, Dubbed in German.... *Flick* - German Channel, "What is that? Me Tarzan, Du Jane?" "Oohhhhhhhhh... I get it.... eh that will do!" As is turned out this program was somewhat of a competition for the lead roles in the musical, whoever is left gets the part of Tarzan and Jane. Nevermind, we couldn't understand what the host was saying. The contestants sung popular songs in English that at least the both of us knew...
Our experience of German television from that day on was pretty much the same. German Channel after German Channel with American sitcoms and movies dubbed over..and right at the end of the Channel arrangement either BBC or CNN. Both if we were lucky. There really is only so much of those two Channels you can watch before the news does a full circle and you suddenly realise you are watching the same thing on repeat! *sighs*
Anyway, completely over the "Me Tarzan, Du Jane" and CNN Steve and I curled up into our slightly uncomfortable bed and dreamt of our second day in Cologne...